This is what the ranch looks like now -- dry and hazy. Cool at night, teeming with birds. I managed to avoid hitting two tarantulas on the road while scattering bevies (?) of quail.
Not much pink, a more delicate palate, a sunset after a cloudy day. I pruned up that live oak a few years ago and now it shows up in my pictures from the back porch.
Something dug this hole in between visits. I wonder what could be living there. My guess is a ground squirrel, although this ground squirrel is more like a developer.
This bull pine marks the border of our property. It height makes it landmark, visible from great distances. These lower elevation pines are not the prettiest or the most long lived, but they have a certain majesty, great cones and a wonderful scent.
This nest appears to be made from strands of mown grass. It's too big for a hummingbird. The redbud tree is right by my back stairs. Some nests look thrown together, but this one resembles a finely crafted straw basket.